I am trying to sort out my experiences and thoughts to better understand how to move forward and not stay stuck in the past.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Everything's Going to be Okay.

I'm cleaning out my closets and bagging clothes and shoes for the St. Vincent DePaul store.  I like downsizing.  As I was going through some summer clothes, those bad memories of this past summer floated to the surface.  As I folded and put them into a plastic bag, I was reminded of this site I found on the computer.  Here's a crazy moment of mine.  During the summer, I was getting so frustrated, that, sometimes in the morning when I was at the computer I would just type things into Google, like, "Are You Listening, God?" (I'm always looking for a more direct line to God, so I was hoping He had email)  or "Is Anybody Out There?"  Goofy stuff like that.  Things did pop up, but I didn't pay any attention to them.  It just kind of felt good typing that in.  However, once, in a moment of total sadness and desperation, I typed in,  "Is Everything Going to be Okay?"  A site was listed, and I clicked onto it.  It is a site with pictures of people saying, things like, "Mike says, 'Everything's going to be okay."  or  Jill says, "Everything will turn out fine."  Things like that.  Just seeing those smiling faces and reading those, short positive messages, made me start to smile.  It really did help.  I still click on that, sometimes when I'm alone and feeling that panic start to rise.  So, if you're wondering if everything's going to be okay, the consensus seems to be, yes, everything's going to be okay. :)

1 comment:

  1. The Salvation Army/Amazing Grace commercial is like that for me. I cry every time that commercial comes on, but that commercial just fills my heart with hope. There are people who find their way. It does work out.
