I am trying to sort out my experiences and thoughts to better understand how to move forward and not stay stuck in the past.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

God's Maneuvering

Good can be gleaned from any bad situation.  This is what I believe.  Sometimes it takes time (even years) to see the good, but it is there.  Seeing the Hand of God move and shift people and situations always amazes me.  Here is how He worked with my daughter during her visit to Crazy Town.

Of course, she didn't know anyone when she arrived.  She is shy to begin with, and her not knowing anyone or anything about the situation was causing her anxiety.  She was afraid to face the unknown.  She arrived at night, so she was placed into detox and stayed there for the next day. (By the way, they only gave her a vitamin, nothing to prevent seizures, just a vitamin during the detox)   During lunch, the next day, an older man who was there came over to her and started talking to her.  He was genuine, kind and a recovering alcoholic like her.  The next day, another older man, also a recovering alcoholic befriended her.  They were like loosely choreographed tag-team.  Because of their company, she did not feel isolated.  In addition, they had some good life advice and encouragement.  The one man was a professor, and they ended up having some very good conversations. He gave her a book to read, that she really enjoyed.  Then he gave her a reading list!  (teachers)  Anyway, one afternoon, when the weather was nice, there was a break and my daughter was working on this packet she was given about recovery.  She needed the NA book, so she asked one of the men, I think she said his name was Chris, if she could borrow his.  He said yes, and then told her she should go outside and sit at the picnic bench to write because the weather was so nice.  So, she did.

When she was out there working on her packet, one of her roommates came over and sat with her. She was writing a letter to her boyfriend.  While they were there, another man, (this big guy as she described him) came over to her.  "What are you doing?"  My daughter looked up.  "I'm working on my recovery packet."  "Really?"  "Yes."  He said, " I have never seen anyone working toward their recovery during break like this.  That's impressive."  My daughter smiled and he walked away. 

A few minutes later, one of the female techs came over to my daughter.  This made her nervous, because this particular tech was hard to read.  The tech asked my daughter what her name was.  She told her.  She wrote it down, and informed my daughter that she would be attending 'Big D's' group at 6 that evening.  "Who's Big D?"  "The big man who was just talking to you.  Consider yourself honored.  Everyone wants to be in his groups."   (Big D had also picked the friend of my daughter who was writing the letter, thinking that she was also working on her recovery)  

(So, there is the first had of God, Chris suggesting my daughter write outside.  The second had of God was the roommate sitting next to her and writing her letter). 

My daughter went to the group and said that it was the most powerful group she's ever been to.  What he talked about and got them to talk about was very moving and my daughter said that she was crying most of the time.  My daughter's roommate also got a lot out of the group.  There were about 9 people  picked to attend.  After the first session, Big D, said that he had felt God was working here, so they were going to have a second group the next night.  And they did.  After that group, he said he wanted a third group (the second group was apparently unheard of since so many people want to be in his group, he usually has only one per group).  It was that third meeting, however, that she had to miss because of the 'whole unit' acting up incident.  That was why she was so mad.  (See how evil also has a plan and how people can also be used to carry that out?) 

It is always a choice to do right or wrong.  Good or bad.  I believe we are in a spiritual battle--always.  The choices are there--always.  Who's side we pick is determined by our intentions.  Do we intend to help or hurt?  Do we intend to be faithful or fearful?  It's all about choices. In this case, the choices are clear:  Big D-Man of God.  Supervisor on the unit-works for the other side.


  1. I also believe this is a spiritual battle. So so very much. Glad your daughter got to meet some wonderful people. Can she stay in touch with Big D?

  2. Hi Annette, no, it seems as though he's somewhat elusive. After she was denied the group, all she was told was that he understood why she didn't attend. I guess he's just one of those godly sentries posted along the way to guide her through this maze of recovery.
